A Guide to the Foam Roller
We at SMI have found that the foam roller should be an integral part of every athlete’s daily routine. Regular use of the roller can be beneficial for enhancing performance, preventing injuries, and expediting injury recovery.
Injury Prevention for Runners
Stretching and strengthening exercises to help correct imbalances which can develop among different muscle groups. If these imbalances persist, the stress on particular areas of the body may result in injury.
Core Strength Guide
It is imperative for every athlete to have a strong core. The muscles that make up the core help to prevent excessive movement of the pelvis. An unstable pelvis will put unnecessary strain on many of the body’s structures.
Injury Prevention for Triathletes
The body circuit is specifically designed for distance runners. The program has been broken down into four 4-week phases. The most effective way to utilize this program is to begin the first phase 4 months before your goal event.
A Guide to the Slant for greater calf flexibility
Stretching exercises to help to corrent imbalances which can develop below the knee. If these imbalances are allowed to persist they may place undue stress on particular areas of the lower leg which may ultimately result in injury.
Calf/Achilles Tendon Strengthening
These exercises are specifically designed to strengthen the calf/achilles complex and prepare it for the stresses it must withstand during running.
Plantar Fascia Pain
When plantar problems are left untreated and become chronic, the plantar fascia starts to degenerate. This complicates the problem and may severely prolong the recovery and rehab process.
IT Band Syndrome
IT Band syndrome is most commonly seen in runners, hikers and walkers. Occasionally, a cyclist can develop ITBS but this is usually related to bike fit.
Patella Femoral Pain Syndrome
Approximately one in four people will experience patellofemoral pain (PFP) at some point during their lifetime. It is the most common form of knee pain.
Achilles Tendinopathy
The Achilles Tendon is a long tendon that is formed proximally by the junction of the soleus and the gastrocnemius muscles and inserts distally at the heel bone (calcaneus).
High Hamstring Tendinopathy
High hamstring tendinopathy (HHT) is a relatively uncommon injury. It generally afflicts runners and athletes participating in sports that involve kicking or quick changes of speed and direction, such as football, soccer and rugby.