SMI is an incredible resource for us and the key to keeping our athletes healthy, training and performing at the highest possible level. SMI’s comprehensive approach to treating our athletes is better than anyone I have ever encountered. They are crucial part of our success and undoubtedly part of our team.
-Chris Miltenberg – Stanford University Director of Track and Field (Website)
The SMI team has the expertise, experience and empathy to help athletes – beginner to world class – achieve their goals. They are a trusted and invaluable resource to the community.
-Terry Lee – Leukemia and Lymphoma Society’s Team in Training (TnT) running coach and ultrarunner (Website)
I have been sending athletes to SMI since they opened their doors — now over 15 years — and I cannot recommend more highly their professional staff, expertise, and excellent therapies. To keep your body healthy, train smart, get great advice or to recover from injury, SMI is the place to go.
-Vince Digneo – Founder and Head Coach Tattersols Women’s Running (Website)
Ever since I was a freshmen at Stanford I have been relying on SMI to keep me healthy and running in top form. Whenever I am in town I make sure to schedule an appointment. The therapists at SMI keep me from getting injured and help get me back on the road if I come in with an injury. I am thankful for the healing hands I have found at SMI.
-Ryan Hall – Fastest Marathon by an American (2:04:58)
If I had not had the work done by the professionals at SMI, I would not have accomplished what I had set out to do and reach my dreams…for that I am extremely grateful.
-Dara Torres – 5 time member of US Olympic Swim Team
When I first came to SMI I could not even run a
step. In four weeks I was able to finish 8th (50 plus)
in the Carlsbad 5K. I am still coming here and I
make this part of my training routine. I would
recommend regular sports massage at SMI for any-
one wants to race seriously.-Bob Anderson – Runners World Founder, Masters Runner
SMI can make the difference between success and
failure in achieving your goals.-Dylan Casey – 2000 Olympic Cycling Team
Frequent sessions at SMI have been crucial in
managing various injuries and in being able to
return to competition.-Jared Palmer – Wimbledon Doubles Champion
I have been both a client and referral source of SMI for more than 15 years. As a sports medicine doctor, they provide a valuable service to my patients. As a client, they understand your needs and can help prevent injury. I highly recommend them.
-Dr Amol Saxena – DPM, Palo Alto Medical Foundation
I highly recommend SMI to patients with occupational
or sports related soft tissue injuries.-Michael Fredericson, M.D. – Physiatrist, Stanford Sports Medicine Clinic
SMI’s therapists have been a real asset working in our
office and have allowed us to offer more complete,
quality care.-Cynthia Humphreys, D.C. – In-Line Chiropractic
SMI… healing hands that my patients praise. Their touch
complements my work very nicely.-Kristen Tyse, P.T . – PT Works
SMI offers the ultimate treatment of soft tissue injuries by the highest trained staff on the peninsula.
-Marc Guillet, PT, ATC – Founder of Agile Physical Therapy